One of the main reasons city councilmen Sam Barone, John Francis, Jeff Gottke, Chris Menapace, and Matt Starr say we need a City Charter is to change the way the Civil Service Commission selects people to fill the positions of Fire Chief and Police Chief, and give them the ability to hire from outside. Actually, they could do that now: A City Charter is not needed.


from: Civil Service Review Commission
Report to the Ohio General Assembly
December 31, 2001 p. 24
The commission recommends allowing municipalities the option of creating an alternative method of selecting a chief of police and/or a chief of fire. The alternative method would require passage by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation and would be subject to referendum. Also, citizens could initiate an alternative proposal.
The chief of police and the chief of fire are high profile and important municipal positions, having primary responsibility for public safety. The current law mandates a “rule of one” for appointment; the highest scoring candidate must be appointed.
However, many other promotion standards use the “rule of three.”
The alternative method may include any factors considered to be appropriate and reliable, including, but not limited to, written examinations, education, years of service in the police or fire service, results of assessment centers, certifications from recognized
professional organizations, and any other factors that contribute to a determination of merit and fitness. An alternative method could authorize the appointment of a police chief or fire chief from outside the ranks of the municipal department using the above criteria.