The Kenyon forum experts acknowledged a charter commission won't get it right the first time. The consequence of a poorly written charter is chaos. Read Article

North Royalton, Ohio is a Charter City. In a letter to the editor, one citizen warns the other voters of an issue on the ballot which could make it easier for the city's government to raise taxes. The issue is to be voted on at a special election. In his letter he explains that issues are passed more easily in a special election because of the typically smaller voter turnout.
This is one way detrimental changes to a City Charter come about.

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Channel 10 News reported Hilliard city council is split on the ballot issue which would change their charter to a city manager. Those opposed say it would eliminate checks and balances, and give too much power to a few.
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Hilliard voters will decide on the Nov. 6 general-election ballot whether they want to switch their form of government to a city manager who is appointed by Hilliard City Council or continue with an elected mayor.

Supporters of the switch via charter amendment say it would help the city’s government run more efficiently. It also would align Hilliard with its suburban neighbors, many of which have adopted a city-manager approach to leadership.

Those who oppose Issue 33, including City Council President Albert Iosue, say eliminating an elected mayor would undercut the system of checks and balances – isolating too much power in one branch.

In a council-city manager model, a council sets a direction for the city – through legislation and a budget – and the city manager is tasked with the day-to-day execution, Councilman Pete Marsh said.

That model also would eliminate having a mayor with veto powers who might have ideas that compete with the council, he said.

Salem, Ohio citizens defeated a charter city issue for the second time, this time by a 65%-35% vote. "They questioned the need to explore options with a charter commission since the current government is operating so well and also said a charter would take away citizen control and the mayoral veto."

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Parma voters once again reject a proposed home-rule charter.
Councilwoman Mary Galinas estimated that Parma voters have rejected the idea(City Charter) at least nine times.
"Changing the current form of government should not be the focus," said Dean DePiero, Parma's two-term mayor......

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Canton, Ohio has turned down Charter City government at least 8 times in the past 102 years.

Canal Fulton, mentioned in the same article, is a Charter City. They have saved a lot of money by eliminating personnel: they have fewer Council members, no Safety Service Director, and combined their Treasurer and Auditor into one Finance Director position.

Mount Vernon City Council members have suggested eliminating personnel under a Charter would save Mount Vernon money. Canal Fulton has a population of 5,479. Mount Vernon has a population of 16,620. Can we afford to operate our city like Canal Fulton?

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City Managers can demand high salaries, and don't have to live in the city they manage. Pickerington’s City Manager quit this year because his salary and benefits amounting to over $208,000 was not enough. Hired officials, with more training, education, and experience, will demand higher salaries. 

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Fostoria, Ohio is a charter city. One city council member has proposed some changes to their charter which would be poor ideas, to many peoples' way of thinking. Fortunately, the other council members have disagreed with him, so the proposed changes have been turned down. However, other charter cities have done similar things to their charters. One reason is to save money. Once a charter is in place, any number of negative changes can be made. Once different council members are voted in, they may agree with the proposed changes.

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