OCSEA members who live in Mount Vernon, Ohio are encouraging their neighbors and fellow union members to vote NO on an initiative to turn their statuatory city government into a charter city.


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Editorial ... is this what our city council will look like under a Charter or worse?


The Mount Vernon News interviewed council members on the charter issue on July 10th. Click to view

“I think eventually they’ll probably do away with the charter,” Barga said. “I do think so, it’s just my gut feeling." Nelsonville, Ohio City Manager, Charles Barga. Charter City

“I’m not so confident that I think this would pass on the first time,” Mavis said. The people down in Newark said they had theirs up three times before it got passed.” Mount Vernon Mayor Richard Mavis. Statutory City

“Within the Ohio Revised Code, we can’t weaken Ohio Revised Code where it speaks to the powers of municipalities – statutory cities – but you can enhance them,” said Patterson, who has served as mayor since 2016. “And we’ve done that often, where we are enhancing the Ohio Revised Code.” Athens, OH Mayor Steve Patterson . Statutory City

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“I probably tend to favor a (City) Manager because you take more politics out of local government”  Mount Vernon City Council Member, Sam Barone. ‘Mount Vernon News’  July 10, 2018

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