Bruce Hawkins, President

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James Mahan, First Ward

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John Francis, Second Ward

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Tammy Woods, Third Ward

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Mike Hillier, Forth Ward

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Amber Keener, At-Large

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Julia Warga, At-Large

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Janis Seavolt, At-Large

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Mel Severns, At-Large


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Attorney’s ability to present a point of concern for a whole group of people was restricted to the typical 3 minute rule. This rule needs to be changed particularly for instances where potentially significant data could be presented if sufficient time were allotted.

July 23, 2018 City Council Committee Meeting Video
Menapace to John Francis regarding 3 citizen speakers; “I would just ask if there’s not new information presented that we maybe ‘gavel people down’ [editorial: that is, shut people down from talking] so that we have time to talk.”

The following speech was presented at a special meeting held in order to provide the public one hour of time to speak about their concerns regarding the Cattle Dam and the Landings housing development. The whole speech could not be delivered because of the city’ restrictive rules reducing the time allowed to 3 minutes

Address to Mount Vernon City Council

August 12, 2019

Cloyd Yough
50 Wildwood Lane
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
740-397-2495- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am speaking as one of the neighbors of the Knox Cattle Company Dam. I
do not in any way speak for my neighborhood association. I am only
expressing my personal opinion in this matter.

I have rewritten this presentation many times. This past week was an up
and down one for me. It got me to thinking about the passion Sam Barone
and Chris Menapace displayed in one of Council’s recent meetings. Right
after that we got to see the proposed amended ordnance 2019-30 and then
the people of Mount Vernon lost half of its representation on the
Council. Boy, that is scary. Those two actions, in my opinion, have no
place in Mount Vernon, Ohio government or politics. Then we got the
letter from Mayor Mavis this past week and that was scary too. Those
actions made me feel that the Landings group has done a pretty good job
of informing you all of the situation and how we got here and that the
City is fearful of losing the opportunity to get more MONEY.