I want to support Dennis Swingle's Letter to the Editor about The Mount Vernon City Council restriction on citizens voices. When we are allowed to speak, It is very difficult to get any meaniful message done in 3 minutes. We all know that there is a beginning, middle and end to any message that has substance. In a recent trial I had in front of council, I was able to get out only the beginning and the middle. Later in the meeting, when it was determined that the council had plenty of time for more input,  I got to add the end. It really ruined the whole presentation. We need to encourage citizens to share opinions about how our city is run. There is a need to make the citizens voices heard. I want  to add that most council members make themselves available outside of  meetings to hear you out.

Awarding contracts is a serious matter.  My memory serves me that in the past, the administration would announce a need to get quotes for certain projects. The administration would request bids after they are received they would be reviewed and discussed with council. Today, the administration goes out for bids and a contract all at the same time. The council then is appraised who got the contract without any  discussion. This procedure is wrong and it presents opportunity for dishonesty and fraud. Let's protect our administration by going back to our past procedure.

In my recent attendance of council meetings, I get the feeling that the council has advocated a lot of authority to the administration The council is supposed to represent the people. A check and balance. It does not appear that exists much anymore. Lets move from "Government by the Government for the Government" to "Government by the people for the people".

Cloyd Yough,

50 Wildwood Lane
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

Here is another letter which reinforces our concerns regarding the restrictions of the citizens freedom of speech.

I have been on the internet a lot researching CONFLICT OF INTEREST. One of the definitionsis is "A situation in which the concern aims of two different parties are incompatiable". Another is "A situation in which a oerson is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or discussions made of this capacity".

 The City Attorney has made a case to exclude 4 Council Members from voting on the stormwater issues at the Landings Subdivision. I can see no benefit other than declining property values associated with this decision. These council members only want to exercise their responsibilty to the voters.

 One might suspect the CONFLICT OF INTEREST is on the other foot.

Cloyd Yough
50 wildwood lane
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050